19 May 2008

It has been raining a lot

I'm so sorry about the lack of pictures. To stave off any further complaints, here's a photo taken back in November. The sock is one of a pair knitted for me by A's mother. It's an Afghan pattern, I suppose. Comfort level: extreme! Absolutely essential in wet and/or cold weather.

Last Wednesday: A watered all greenhouse seedlings and outside plants.

Last Thursday: I watered the cosmos, tomatoes and hyssop only (all in the greenhouse, still), everything else was still very moist.

Last Friday, at 3:45 to be precise: A watered and sprinkled the newly purchased ORGANIC CERTIFIED SLUG PELLETS around outdoor plants. Brilliant, I was beginning to dream about the slug problem. Googling slugs? Don't. You'll find a site that tells you each slug can be responsible for up to 40,000 offspring.

Last Saturday: I watered.

Yesterday: did nothing at Plot Six. Got a life!

Today: A was pottering about on Plot Six when two mallards paid a visit.