15 October 2007

Day 2 at the plot

Did a bit more teak oiling and clearing. Spoke to D about strawberries.

13 October 2007

First Tuesday

It rained throughout the morning. We spent most of it in the greenhouse, clearing the weeds, picking up broken glass, tidying stuff. The oak tree was visited by hundreds of starlings. It's also shedding its leaves. The idea is to pick them up and create leafmould!

So much stuff to do ... We had another cup of tea.

First decisions ...

Our allotment contains ten rods. As part of the tenancy agreement, we shall “keep the garden clean, free of weeds and in a good state of cultivation and fertility”. So we had a little meeting on 3 October 2007 and agreed our priorities are:

  1. Clear the greenhouse, clean, maintain
  2. Basic clearance of plot such as removal of rubbish
  3. Strim the plot - T to explore
  4. Policy decision - dig, no dig or part-dig?
  5. Think about plot soil, size, layout and rotation
  6. What are we going to grow?
  7. Our weekly slot on the plot: Tuesday mornings from 9 a.m.
  8. We like a bench
  9. What sort of tools and where do we keep them?
  10. T will sort out ringbinder for any paperwork
  11. We'll use John Seymour's book on self-sufficiency (ha!)
  12. A will investigate winter lettuce, spring cabbage and summer cauliflower
  13. T will investigate garlic
  14. Pick the verbena b., our first crop!

First impressions ...

This is the greenhouse. And this is the plot:
