We're keeping an eye on our spending, recording every single purchase. This week, we compared prices of seeds and decided to order a number of vegetable seeds from the Organic Gardening Catalogue to add to our small collection. We also bought six 56 litre bags of organic gardening manure (for the potato beds) and four 2.5 bags of seed potatoes from Notcutts, one each from the "first early", "second early", "main crop" and "late crop", to be harvested in July, August, September and October respectively. Or so we hope.
We also bought two 6 pack autumn raspberry canes in containers. When we showed these to B, he told us about another plot he has just cleared, previously tended by a Canadian. B suggested we could help ourselves to the fruit bushes he had dug up from this plot a few weeks ago. B thinks they're good enough to be re-planted.
Well, here's a photo of the 'Canadian' plot without the blackcurrant, the redcurrant and the mother-and-baby gooseberry bushes!